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Creating an Outstanding Upwork Proposal for Mobile App Developers



Are you a mobile app developer looking for freelance work? If so, you may have heard of Upwork, an online platform that connects freelancers and businesses. Upwork is an excellent way for mobile app developers to find quality projects and clients, but it can be competitive. That's why creating an outstanding Upwork proposal is so important.

Creating an effective Upwork proposal is an art form. It requires research, careful thought, and a deep understanding of what the client is looking for. In this blog post, we'll discuss the key steps to creating an outstanding Upwork proposal for mobile app developers.

This post is geared towards experienced mobile app developers who are looking to make the most of the Upwork platform. Whether you're new to the platform or an experienced user, you'll find value in this post.

Researching the Client

Before you submit an Upwork proposal, it’s important to research the client and their needs. This means taking the time to understand their project scope and timeline, as well as learning more about their company.

Start by reading the job post thoroughly. Pay attention to what the client is looking for and make sure you know what specific skills and experience they need. This will give you a better idea of how you can tailor your Upwork proposal to fit the job.

Next, look into the client’s company. Research their website, social media accounts, and other online presence. Doing this will give you a better understanding of their brand, products, and values so you can better align your proposal with their expectations.

Finally, make sure you understand the project scope and timeline. Ask questions if there’s any ambiguity and make sure you’re clear on the deliverables and expectations. This will help ensure that both you and the client have a shared understanding of the project.

By taking the time to properly research the client and their needs, you’ll be able to craft an Upwork proposal that is tailored to their specific requirements and increases your chances of success.

Crafting Your Proposal

Once you’ve done your research, you can begin crafting a proposal that will capture the client’s attention. Here are some key tips for drafting an outstanding Upwork proposal:

Writing a Compelling Summary:

Your summary is the first thing the client will read, so make sure it’s both engaging and informative. Here you should introduce yourself, give a brief overview of your experience, and explain why you’re the ideal person for the job. Aim to keep your summary concise and to the point.

Highlighting Relevant Experience and Qualifications:

The client needs to know that you have the necessary skills and experience to do the job. Use this section to provide evidence of your qualifications, such as any certificates, awards, or publications. You should also include any relevant work experience or projects you’ve completed.

Describing Your Process and Timeline:

Once you’ve outlined your experience and qualifications, you should explain how you’ll approach the job and the timeframe within which you’ll complete it. Here you can provide a detailed description of your process, from start to finish.

Providing Examples of Your Work:

Nothing speaks louder than examples of your work. Include screenshots, videos, or any other evidence of previous projects you’ve completed. You can also include links to live sites or apps you’ve built.

Making It Easy to Contact You:

Finally, make sure you provide the client with an easy way to contact you. Include your phone number, email address, and any other contact information they might need. You can also provide links to your website or social media profiles so they can learn more about you.

Optimizing Your Profile

Having a well-crafted Upwork proposal is an important step in getting hired, but it’s not enough. You also need to make sure your profile is optimized to maximize your chances of being noticed and chosen. Here are some tips to help you do that.

Building a strong portfolio: When someone is looking for a mobile app developer, it’s important for them to be able to evaluate your skills and experience. Include a portfolio that showcases your best work. Include screenshots, design mockups, and code snippets to show off your skills.

Provide samples of your work: Providing examples of your work is a great way to demonstrate your abilities. Include samples of apps you’ve developed and any other relevant projects you’ve worked on.

Optimize your profile for keywords: Many clients use search filters to narrow down the list of potential candidates. Optimize your profile for relevant keywords to help ensure you show up in the right searches.

Include testimonials: Testimonials from past clients can be a great way to show potential employers that you’re reliable and trustworthy. Ask past clients to provide you with a brief review that you can include in your profile.

By optimizing your profile, you can make sure that your skills and experience are properly showcased. This will help ensure that your proposals stand out and that you get noticed by the right clients.


Now that you’ve gone through the process of creating an outstanding Upwork proposal for mobile app developers, you can use these tips to help you land the job you want. By understanding the client’s needs and crafting a compelling proposal that highlights your experience and qualifications, you can set yourself apart from other applicants and increase your chances of being hired. Additionally, optimizing your profile by building a strong portfolio and providing samples of your work can help you stand out even more.

To wrap up, here are the key points to remember when creating an outstanding Upwork proposal for mobile app developers:

  • Research the client to identify their needs and understand the project scope and timeline.
  • Craft a compelling proposal that highlights your experience and qualifications, describes your process and timeline, and provides examples of your work.
  • Optimize your profile by building a strong portfolio, providing samples of your work, optimizing for keywords, and including testimonials.

By following these steps, you can create an outstanding Upwork proposal that will give you the best chance at landing the job. Good luck!

If you’re looking for a fast and easy way to write winning proposals on Upwork, try Proposal Genie. Our AI-powered tool helps you create tailored proposals that are optimized to match the specific job opportunity and your skills and experience. Proposal Genie makes it easy to stand out from the competition and increase your chances of success on Upwork. Sign up now at and start winning more gigs today!

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